When I graduated from college last year, I knew life after college would be a time of self discovery and change. I wanted to prepare myself in the best way possible, so I did a little research on books for recent post-grads. Below are a few of my favorites, the ones that I found to be most helpful. I have also included the Twitter handles for each author below, as I have found them to be a useful and up-to-date extension of what I learned from these books.
By Lindsey Pollak
This book is chalk full of job interview and resume advice, as well as some helpful pointers on goal setting and staying educated on your career of choice. It was also extremely motivating.
By Alexandra Robbins and Abby Wilner
I'm so glad I read this book before I started working full-time, because it offered extremely valuable advice on smoothly navigating the difficult transition from student to working professional. This is a must read for anyone who has wondered: "What will life be like after college?"
By Gretchen Rubin
The thing I love about Gretchen Rubin's book is that it is as applicable to recent college grads as it is to fully seasoned working professionals and parents. My mom is in the middle of reading this book, and she says she's found ways to search out happiness in her life. Post-grads experience a lot of change, and it's beneficial to know what makes you happy and how to guide change in a way that will lead you down a path toward happiness.
By Susan Cain
I've discussed Susan Cain's book in-depth before, but I think it bears repeating here, especially since a good portion of the book discusses introverts and extroverts in the workplace. Engaging with different, and even clashing, personalities on the job will be commonplace for many recent grads, so I highly recommend reading up, whether you're an introvert or extrovert.
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