Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Defy Impossible

Last night I had the privilege to attend TEDxKC, an independently organized TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) event in Kansas City. I've followed TED talks via the national site for some time and have been amazed with how much useful advice I've been able to incorporate into my day-to-day life from researchers and entrepreneurs alike. So I was very excited to see what sort of line-up Kansas City would be able to churn out during their fifth annual TEDxKC.

I was not disappointed.

The theme of this year's program was "Defy Impossible," which was inspired by a TEDxKC talk from 2012 that challenged the audience to consider what they could do if they could not fail, if they could defy the impossible. Here's just a snapshot of the brilliant ideas that were brought to the TEDxKC stage.

The power of constraints
Multimedia artist Phil Hansen explained how to embrace limitations and use them to expand my creativity.

Brain chemistry lifehacks
Clinical researcher and neuroscientist Steve Ilardi presented ways that small lifestyle changes-- such as daily exercise, access to sunlight and face-to-face exposure to loved ones and friends -- can decrease the likelihood of depression compared to antidepressants.

We were promised flying cars
Inventor and mustache aficionado Jared Ficklin detailed a fascinating and innovative public transportation infrastructure that has the potential to alter and improve the way modern-day cities operate.

There is no way this will work
And finally, social entrepreneur & runner Anne Mahlum taught everyone that when faced with a decision, sometimes realizing that the worst case scenario isn't the end of the world can ultimately liberate you to pursue an otherwise crazy dream.

I'm looking forward to posting the videos of these presentations once they're available.

Also, an added plus of the TEDxKC event were two unique and amazing musical performances from Chris Pureka (former microbiologist and full-time singer/songwriter) and Peter Mulvey (singer/songwriter and self-proclaimed provocateur). I'm not even kidding. Go check these two out on Spotify now.

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